Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Hi it is Wednesdaay

haii ... apa kabar? How are you? alah rebek kali -_-" #abaikan. nah jadi hari ini hari rabu YAIYALAH #abaikanlagi. jadi hari ini alhamdulilah gaaa telat tapi NGEPAS. kalo kemarin saya telat sekarang ngga YEEEEY *jogetjogetgajelas* oke, nah oke saya bingung mau bilang apa?! okeoke kita Ngasal aja okeokeokeoke? oke aja deh #abaikanyamakasih. nah terus pulang jam 5 tadi hahaha soalnya ya gitu saya lama-lamain di sekolah JRENG JRENGG ... gajelas ya kan? iya dong #abaikan. saya tuh gimana sih nanya sendiri jawab sendiri oke makasih ya udah membiarkan gitu LALALALA~ okee jadi saya bersyukur sama Allah karena masih diberikan kesempatan hidup :) kan know one knows ... apakah kita bakal meninggal 1 detik lagi atau 1 abad lagi ?! kan gatau jadi saya bersyukur :D okedeh sampe sini dulu yash ... BYEBYEEE

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

My story todaay :)

hi, i am bacckk :D *noonecares* ;'( ah pake bahasa Indonesia aja ah, nanti bahasa inggris nya HAHAA #abaikan. oke jadi tadi pagi itu saya bangun telat jam 6.10 daaan sekolah masuk jam 6.30 jadi pagi-pagi saya udah lumayan stress, nah ke sekolah udah HAMPIR telat karena macetnya UWAWW... nah oke saya pengen berhenti ngomel atau ngeluh ;) jadi tadi ulangan matematika dibagiin dan alhamdulilah nilai saya naik HAHAHA ... dannn saya sangat sedih yang English competition itu saya gamasuk HUAAA sedih gak sih? sedih dong ... padahal udah berharap gitu. oke gapapa lain kali saya harus berhasil !!! tapi emang soalnya menjebak dan susah mungkin saya udah bilang dong sebelumnya yegaa?? iya aja deh, #ABAIKAN dan sekarang waktu bikin post ini lagi dengerin can i have this dance dan inget lagi deh masa-masa sd -_-" gapapa lah yang penting kan ga nyampe gimana gituuu~ inget aja gitu hehehehe... sambil baca-baca post di blog ituu :) ya itu udah masa lalu tapi gabisa dilupain :D loh kenapa jadi gini deh? kembali lagi ke asalnya, asalnya dimana? dimana aja boleh HAHA #abaikan. doakan aja ya buat yang baca ini siapapu, semoga besok ada ulangan mandarin dan bisa AMIIINN ;) okee sampe sini dulu udah stuck gatau mau nulis apalagi (kayaknya begitu terus deh? yega?) okeee byeee

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Weekdaays :)

Hi, so the weekdays is started. and yeah i have to go to school -_-" its allright. yeah so today i have to thank god because today finally i was able to sing infront of the class with my group. and i was able to bring my plant to school. HAHA so i think that is not to important, #dontmentionit. so i have to tell you why i am writing the post in english because i need to practice writing in english so i am sorry if there is a mistake or lalalala~ i dont know why there is something goes wrong with my throat. okay so i hope this week will be a great week :) i hope soo .. PRAY FOR ME HAHA :D so it is enough for now ... see you laterrr BYEEE

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012


so, today is the competition and yeah before that, i really nervous. andd it is really started. oh my god, for me it is hard lalalala~ and i found some trap in the exam :O hahaa okay and the exam finished at 9.30 :) after that i go home HAHAHA. and i just realized that i leave my bottle in the class. -_-" its allright i hope i can get it on mondayy :) yeaaaahh ... okaaay its enough for today see youuu BYEEEE

Senin, 06 Februari 2012


Hi how are you all? yeah, i hope you are okaay ^_^ so, today i think is a nice day and i hope you all feel the same. so, on saturday i will attend the English Competition. So i hope i will win YEAAAH. i just arrived from school and i feel very very tired HAHA. #ignoreit. So the truth is i dont know what to say, REALLY!!! okay just write it Randomly ... -_-" i am sorry is there is any mistakes while i write this unimportant thing. so today i go to school (yeah that is what kids or students usually do) then, i go home (my god -_-") so just ignore it. this is not important right? yeah i think so. by the way, tomorrow is friday and i will start the english course at school !!!! #ignoreitthanks so today i think the special thing is ..... DENG DENG ... i don't know. but i think the special thing is god still give me a chance to live or to be alive, because who knows? tomorrow i am still writing here or not :) so be thankful to god for today :) and pray for tomorrow :D forgot yesterday, be thankful today, pray for tomorrow :D okay so. i think this is enough for now.... see you later :) byee have a nice day